We’re Back!

It has been many years since I opened this website. How odd it is to go back through old posts. I won’t lie, some of them are very cringey, but I’ll keep them. It’s a sign of growth, and I accept that. Yes, some of them are password protected. They were like that when I got here. Yes, I do remember what the password is. My memory works, though not always when I want it to.

I’ve thought to myself lately, perhaps I should take some sort of jump back into writing – I certainly enjoy it when I feel compelled to do so, and much of the time it is nice to get your thoughts down in some sort of way, whether it be on paper or on the internet. Thus, I have unburied this website from the mass of links in my history and changed some things. I mean really, there’s only so much old “cleverness” I can take. “Subtle poetic wit – Life as it stands” the home page said… I rolled my eyes at that. Good lord and butter.

Anyway, should you so desire, please follow along with this grand, phoenix-like rise from the dead of a long neglected blog. This time, I hope to keep it going.